John Pisapia's
Lecture/Seminar Schedule
....To book Dr Pisapia for your organization, or to attend any of the scheduled speaking engagements, please email
September - Berlin - the Society for Strategic Management - research paper - validation of the individual entreprenurial leadership (IEO)scale.
August - Brisbane - Workshop on the strategic leader method for 30 school principals
June - July - Alaska, South Korea, and Japan - Network Development
April 3 - 10 - Fort Lauderdale - Developing a Statement of Intent for the Women in Distress Foundation Department (private)
Dec - Developing your strategic thinking capablity - for Principals from South China Normal University (Private)
October 12 - Barcelona - Presentation - Behavioral Agility and Follower Commitment - International Leadership Association - (Public)
August 15 - Vancouver - Presentation - Academy of Management - The Foundations of Strategic Thinking (Public)
June 15- August - Vienna and Eastern Europe -- agenda developing
June 12 - Jeddah - seminar and Consultation -- using the SLQ360 to develop managers -- Nobel Training Consortium- (Private)
June 6-9 - Dubai - Presentation = Entreprenurial Leadership at the Cross Roads -- 60th Annual ICSB World Conference. (Public)
May 15 - Palm Beach State College -- Presentation of the Professional Development Needs Assessment and Recommendations (Private)
April 22 - Fort Lauderdale -- Propel - Interpreting the results of the STQ and SLQ (Private)
March 2, Kravis Center West Palm Beach - Jumping the Curve part 2 - full day with facilitation of 85 TrustBridge executives coming together to find and create their future (Private)
February 6, Leadership Broward - How Entreprenuers Think and Act! (Public)
January 4, Cincinatti, Ohio (International Congress of School Effectiveness) - Teaching Strategic Thinking Skills in Leadership Preperation Programs (Public).
April, Fort Lauderdale Florida (Propel) Cultivating your self and then your organization. (Private)
June - Brisbane, Australia (Griffith University) The strategic leader: Why, What, and So What (Public)
September - Madrid Spain = The Society of Strategic Management Annual Conference -
September - Palm Beach USA - Spectrum Health - Building an Agile work force (Private)
October - Washington USA - The American Institute for Higher Education - SL and Learning Organizations
November - Valencia Spain - Keynote the International Schools Conference
May, Denver, Colorado (National Hospice Executives Association) Learning to jump the curve. (Private)
May, Fort Lauderdale Florida, (Propel) The strategic leader: The big ideas. (Private)
February, March and April - Palm Beach, Floirida (Trustbridge Inc.) Learning to think like a leader. (Private)
September - Dubrovnik Croatia, Why companies Miss or Find the Future: Minds, Mindsets, and Thinking Differently! Keynote Address: Innovative approaches to Economic Problems. (Public)
May - August - Scotland - University of Glasgow - Adam Smith Senior Scholar.
Jan-April - Hong Kong - Chinese University of Hong Kong - Fulbright Scholar
Dec 4-10 - University of Malaya (Private)
Dec 1 - Kuala Lumpur - International Conference on Leadership. - Keynote Address - "Fostering Innovation and Creativity." (Public)
Nov - 28 - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia - "Leading Schools Strategically. " (Public)
Nov 7 - Miami USA - Strategic Management Society - "Measuring Strategic Thinking Skills." (Public)
Nov 6 - Miami USA - Strategic Management Society - "Transforming Universities (Public)
September 21,22,23 - Stuart Florida, SL Coach Certification (Public
July 14 - Disney World, Orlando Fl USA "SLQ-Coach Certification" (Public)
July 14 - Disney World, Orlando Fl USA "STQ-Coach Certification" (Public)
July 13 - Disney World, Orlando Fl USA "Mastering Strategic Leadership (Public)
July 12 - Disney World,Orlando Fl USA "Mastering Strategic Thinking" (Public)
June 17-18 - University of Glasgow, "Developing Working Alliances" (Private)
June 21 - Blefast, Ireland - International Conference on Thinking - "Building a Culture of Strategic Thinking." (Public)
December 18 - Palm Beach Atlantic Univ "The Principles of Strategic Leadership"
Nov 4 - Florida International University - "Finding the Future"
September 20-22 - University of Technology - Jamaica (Private)
September 13 The Society of Strategic Management - Rome (Public) "The Principles of Strategic Leadership"
May 18 Fudan University -Research Institute for Higher Education, Shanghai
"Strategic Leadership Core Competencies: Agility and Artistry" (Private)
May 19 East China University, Shanghai (Private)
May 20 Pudong Leadership Academy, Shanghai - "Assessing and Developing Agility and Artistry." (Private)
March 19 - Williamsburg Virginia - "Transforming the Academy - Strategic Thinking vs Strategic Planning."
September 9 - Istanbul -The Global Leadership Forum "Rethinking Leadership: New Tactics for a Globalizing World."
September 11 - Ankara - Hacettepe University "The Difference Makers: Strategic Thinkng and Strategic Execution"
July 5-8 - Hong Kong -The Chinese University of Hong Kong "Strategic Thinking and Strategic Execution"
July 3-4 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia"The Globalizing Challenge for International Education” Keynote at the International Education Association’s Annual Conference