The ability to apply SL METHOD enables SLers to anticipate change, and creat direction, alignment, commitment and results in sustained rather than random way.
The Method is presented as a puzzle SLers must solve to produce high performing individuals and organizations - What is going on here? What needs to happen here? Do we need to jump the curve? What is precisouis and what is expendable? How do we make it happen? How do we keep makng it happen?
SLN developed two action tools to help SLers solve the puzzle - The Strategic Thinking Protocol and the Strategic Execution Protocol.
Click on the highlighted links for full descriptions of these tools. Then, register for a workshop to learn how to apply these tools to the way you think and work.
The Strategic Thinking Protocol outlines the process to develop a shared reality and then a shared direction among your key players. The protocol employs strategic listening, strategic conversations to create a one page [front and back] statement of strategic intent that enables organizational alignment, cohesion and commitment to occur. The protocol uses strategic listening, strategic converations, external and internal environmental mapping, and action mapping tools to guide the decisions made.
The Strategic Execution Protocol outlines the process to create the internal conditions that produce results. The protocol emphasizes the importance of clear goals, nongameable metrics to drive performance. It also uses leader tactics such as teaching the organization's point of view, encourages self management, employing for cultural and performance fit, and linking rewards to to performance to create the social capital that pulls the organization toward high performance.